Hyschools update – First multiplier event

FcLab/ Aprile 3, 2019/ edu, erasmus, fuel cells, hydrogen, news, projects, students/ 0 comments

The first workshop for public dissemination was held in Pescara on March 28th-29th 2019, organied by Regione Abruzzo and FcLab. The workshop, with the coral attendance of a mix of teachers, policy makers and hydrogen experts, was based on an “instructional design tool” developed by one of the partners of the project (Universitè de Lorraine). The tool, in the form of a card game, takes advantage of the different points of view  that compose a design team, to accelerate the design process and leverage the pedagogical quality of the designed learning program. Click here for video contents WHAT IS HYSCHOOLS? The HySchools project aims to educate students on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (HFCT) on a

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FcLab/ Febbraio 22, 2019/ edu, fuel cells, hydrogen, news, projects, Senza categoria/ 0 comments

Net-Tools – Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (Italiano a seguire) Education and training for the fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) technology sector is critical for the current and future workforce as well as for the further implementation of a promising technology within Europa. The project NET-Tools develops an e-infrastructure and provides digital tools and information service for educational issues and training within FCH technologies based on most recent IT tools. NET-Tools is constituting a technology platform, leveraging robust and effective open source/free learning management systems while offering a unique blend of novel digital tools encompassing the spheres of information, education and research. With its two

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FcLab/ Gennaio 25, 2019/ edu, erasmus, fuel cells, hydrogen, news, projects, students/ 0 comments

EN – Hyschools is a cross-cutting educational project financed under the Erasmus+ programme by the European Union with the aim of introducing and increasing Hydrogen knowledge in secondary schools. Hydrogen based technology is, in fact, one of the major players in the desired transition from a carbon based society to a sustainable development and a pollution-free future. Spreading the knowledge of high-efficiency, low-emission technologies such as the ones based on hydrogen is of paramount importance and should be introduced to the new generations in an educational environment as soon as possible. In this task, teachers are the most important and valuable players. As a first step, the project will propose a survey to secondary school teachers

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